“The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world.”
Of course, awards come with rules…
1. Put the logo on your blog and/or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to twelve bloggers.
3. Link to the nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and the link to the person from whom you received this award
The really fun part of this is- I get to pass it on!
(Let the drumroll begin)
And the winners are:
- Dana Fallentine @ San Diego Cooks
- Debbie@ The Davis Family
- Lourie@CA Girl
- Lucy@Lucy's Reality
- Tylaine@Just Me
- Cool Mystery Woman@memyselfandaphrodite
- Shan@Oh, the Joys of Children
- Madwoman@Ontheverge
- Allyson@MVP's of Mesa Town
- Heather@Family Volley
- Laurie@Laurieville
- Joy@OurFamilyofFour
Dana-you are the best sister in the world. You are always there for me and call when no one else does. You are one of those people who rises to the top by lifting those around you. Your cooking blog rocks.
Debbie- my blogging buddy. Everyone loves you. In the 3 years we've been friends, I have never heard/felt/thought/seen anything negative about you. You throw fabulous parties, you have a beautiful family, and I am so glad I know you. Everyone needs to check out your Delicious Chinese Chicken Salad Recipe, and your onlyinwestvalley blog.
Lourie- you are a sweet and supportive blogger. I am jealous of your California sunshine- it's snowing here right now.
Lucy- thanks for your insightful posts. Keep it up!
Tylaine- please ignore yesterday's message. I found it (obviously) and learned you live in the same city where my husband works...if you ever get pulled over by a K-9 officer there, mention my name for a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card. :)
Mystery Woman (Aphrodite)- Anyone who is willing to help me pull out Ms. Special's hair extensions deserves the Sunshine Award! You rock!
Shan- I think you should know you top the list of "People I am Having Over for Dinner After I Have this Baby" You are an awesome Mom and nurse and one the very few people I would consider letting into the delivery room :), even if it was just to guard the door for me.
Madwoman- Here's to my fellow second chance blogger. I LOVED your last post-it notes!
Allyson- I know you are already getting a big head from being so famous, but you make me laugh! I love your posts- don't ever stop writing.
Heather- I'm so glad I found your blog! I love the great advice you give and you inspire me to spend more quality time with my children- thank you!
Laurie- Thanks for your comments and support from across the country. I love that we're friends on Goodreads . I hope more bloggers will find us there and hook up.
Joy- I love all your comments; you make me smile. Thanks for being such a sweet cousin!
Purseblogger- you unselfishly make it all about everyone else and that's why we love you. Thanks again!
Of course for you. :) Your blog is so fun! I am so glad I found it and you.
Awwwwwww THANKS! No really, thank you so much. This is my FIRST "award" ever, and I'm so glad to know that someone who isn't already my family or friend thinks I'm funny.
Oh, and congrats to you for getting the award in the first place.
Now, do I wait on my Daughtry update, or do this tomorrow? Decisions, decisions.
And, what does it mean "already getting a big head from being so famous?" 'Cause I promise, no big head here. I mean, I only have 51 followers, I hardly think I'm even remotely famous. But, should I ever reach the realm of hundreds of followers and "famous" I'll totally still be your friend. hahahahahahahahahaha
Thanks so much Kellie. I appreciate it! :) I will do my best to uphold the honor of the Sunshine Award! :)
*gush* *crying tears of joy* *happy smile* *possibly a gray hair retreating* THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I've never won any bloggy awards, E-V-E-R. And thank you so much for your sweet words. They mean so much to me right now when my world is less that mediocre!!!! *hugs* *and let's party when you feel better*
OMG!!! I love Awards and don't get them often, so wow!! In addition, I really like the kind words you said about me, what a compliment!!
Now, I will have to check out the other winners too!!
Thanks a bunch!!!
Oooh! Thank you soo much. :D And congratulations to you.
Thanks for the award! It really has made my day! By the way, I love your post-it posts, they're very interesting.
Thank you for the kind words! I think you are the best sister in the world, too!!! I just wished I lived closer! I'll see you as soon as the kids are out of school and done with their camps.
Thank you so much for this! I thought I was following you but I guess I wasn't. Well, at least I am now! You are too sweet. I will get this up soon.
Lydia (a.k.a. Madwoman)
Oh, I am blushing. You really know how to make a girls day. THANK YOU THANK YOU for being so thoughtful. It is so nice to know that someone out there is reading. If we were in the same room I would give you a big hug and we would sit down and chat. Thanks again. I can't wait to read more about the Hendrick's Family.
Hey, what's this? I never thanked you?? I blame Google...
Seriously, thanks for the award and congrats on receiving it. And I love that I can stalk you on goodreads :-)
Thank YOU!! I am finally getting around to passing it on!
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